
Sale priceRs.1,450.00


Kumulus df 1kg gandhak (sulphur) 80% سلفر

Fmc pesticides fungicides sulfer df ( dry flowable ) formulation made of finely ground particles compressed into granular particles that can be suspended readily in water for application.

the use of any pesticide in a manner that may kill or otherwise harm an ... apply the recommended rate of kumulus® df listed in table 1 when pests or ... of sulfur fungicides. ... use higher rate when temperatures are less than 80°f. can.


crop(s) name of disease
dilution in (ltr)
a.i. (kg) formulation (kg)
grape powdery mildew 1.50-2.00 1.875-2.50 750-1000
cowpea, gaur, pea powdery mildew 1.50-2.00 1.875-2.50 750-1000
apple powdery mildew 1.50-2.00 1.875-2.50 750-1000
cumin powdery mildew 1.50-2.00 1.875-2.50 750-1000
mango powdery mildew 1.50-2.00 1.875-2.50 750-1000

often called the “fourth major nutrient”, sulphur is a building block of chlorophyll and a necessary ingredient for the formation of proteins. it is one of 16 basic elements needed to support plant life.
sulphur is recognized as an effective fungicide / pesticide and has been for the last 170 years.

Mode of action:

  • sulphur 80% wdg is broad spectrum contact and protective fungicide & miticide. it also provides. sulphur which is essential plant nutrient.
  • insect/disease spectrum powdery mildew, scab, leaf spots and all types of mites.
  • crop spectrum grapes, mango, pea, cow pea, apple, cumin etc.


  • sulphur 80% wdg is a dust free, flowable micronised sulphur granules, ease of measuring & handling..
  • it has instant dispersion and high suspensability in water, therefore it don’t cause scorching.
  • it has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (sulphur) and miticide.
  • it has sustained action for longer effect.
  • there are no stains on fruits & leaves after spraying, nor do leaves get burnt.


  • strengths
  • user friendly product.
  • sulphur 80% wdg has controlled particle size (1 – 8 micron). multiple site action (plant nutrient, fungicide, acaricide).
  • opportunity
    • increasing crop yields and continued use of s free fertilizers are magnifying s deficiencies
    • in india the importance of sulphur as plant nutrient is recognized in oilseeds, pulses, cereals like paddy, wheat & maize, in fruit crops like grapes, chikoo, mango, apple, ber, citrus and plantations and in spices as well.

the kumulus df 1kg gandhaka (sulphur) 80% is a product of fmc. the category is pesticides and subcategory is fungicides

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